att sitta för sig själv och teckna i en solig park
Med musik i bakgrunden och en alldeles ny och blank skissbok till och med.
Martha my dear though I spend my days in conversation
Please Remember me
Martha my love Don't forget me Martha my dear
Hold your head up you silly girl look what you've done
When you find yourself in the thick of it
Help yourself to a bit of what is all around you
Silly Girl.
Take a good look around you
Take a good look you're bound to see
That you and me were meant to be for each other
Silly girl.
(Det gör lite ont att se dessa skor och veta att det aldrig kommer bli vi)
Hold your hand out you silly girl see what you've done
When you find yourself in the thick of it
Help yourself to a bit of what is all around you
Silly girl.
Martha my dear you have always been my inspiration
Please Be good to me
Martha my love Don't forget me
Martha my dear.
foton från, bruden heter frida gustavsson om jag inte minns fel.